Brooks (Base) Square (BS) 101
~ The Architecture of Space-Time (TAOST)
The Conspicuous Absence of Primes (TCAOP) ~
III. Interconnectedness
A Brief Introduction
I. TAOST - the network
II. TCAOP - everything minus the network
III. Interconnectedness <---
TAOST: Rules 1-50 | Rules 51-80 | Rules 81-99 | Rules 100-107 | Rules 108-153 | TCAOP: Rule 154 | Rules 155-157 | Rules 158-159 | Rule 160 | Interconnectedness: Rules 161-175 | Appendix A: Rules 176-181 | Appendix B: Rules 182-200 | |
III Interconnectedness
How is all this number-pattern-relationship of Brooks (Base) Square integrated in a meaningful way into the larger Multiverse? How might numbers on a chart ... a matrix grid ... tell us something about just this Universe?
About dark matter, dark energy, black holes, worm holes, quasars, supernova, galactic clusters, our own spiral Milky Way Galaxy, the sun, the earth, the soil beneath your feet, the organization of space between the nucleus and the electrons within the atoms of your brain, the rhythm of the beat of your heart?
About the light ... the parts of the enormous electromagnetic spectrum ... composed of individual quantum units called photons ... that seem to be intricately and intimately connected to the very individual quantum units called SpaceTime (ST)? That these particles of light ... these photons ... and their combinations as gravitons and Higgs bosons ... are the source of all energy, and therefore all matter ... and yet ... they are fundamentally defined by the very same ST that they apparently, seemingly ... traverse?
Apparently, seemingly traverse ... whereas in actuality, they are one and the same whose expressions we see, measure and interpret as separate.
The ST unit is composed of photon, graviton and Higgs bosons. Their pulse (propagation) defines the pulse propagation of ST itself. And, as Einstein showed us, the light, the gravity, the energy is itself modulated by the ST field it is emerged ... or traversing ... in.
Thus we have the Conservation Laws. The Conservation of Energy is intimately related to the Conservation of the Velocity of Light. This constant speed of light is a consequence of the Conservation of SpaceTime. All seemingly different and yet all ultimately related back to a dynamic, pulsing, fluctuating ST whose total expression in sum ... that is all the high energy, tiny wavelengths and all the low energy, large wavelengths, together ... will be fixed, constant, conserved. And by definition, the Conservation Laws mean there is an interconnectness of the parts to the whole such that the former never exceeds or retreats from the total of the whole.
Now, back to those silly numbers on the square. We started with the whole integer numbers on the axis and their squares where they meet on the Prime Diagonal (PD). Of course, this simple relationship charts out the Inverse Square Law (ISL). Next, instead of filling in the grid like a simple multiplication table (as was done for the Butterfly Primes), we decided to see if we could find a number on each of the Inner Grid spaces that would show a connection ... an interconnectedness ... to the axis, PD and the numbers (that we would have to discover) of its neighbors. Open Pandora’s Box!
The numbers starting pouring out. Pandora’s Box was white hot ... pure light ... so overwhelmingly giving of one number pattern relationship connected to another and all connected back to the PD of the ISL that we had to stop looking ... least we become blinded by its glory ... and present this for other to see, feel, grow and shine.
Remembering that numbers are simply symbols ... although commonly they are symbols for quantities. If all the matter-energy-ST is conserved and we can put a quantity value on it and all of its parts ... and that numbers as symbols for quantities are applied ... then we can assign ... count ... numbers of parts and their sums.
And, if the parts over time must equal the same whole ... as our Conservation Laws require ... then our numbers must be interconnected. Interconnected such that when the sums of all the parts ... positive and negative ... are taken over time, that sum must be 1 ... or zero, depending on how you like to look at it. As the Universe pulse-propagates into existence at one point in time, that total sum is one. As it pulse-propagates back out of existence, the endpoint, the whole sum of the pulse in + the whole sum of the pulse out ... equal and opposite ... must be zero.
Here is a matrix-grid-table, a truly base square, that interconnects all the numbers as the Universe pulse-propagates into existence. And, while it contains all the whole numbers ... all the quantities ... including the prime numbers within its axis and PD ... it is a pattern of patterns and as such its Strict Inner Grid (SIG) is specifically and uniquely devoid of prime numbers ... those numbers left over when all the patterned numbers are removed. The prime numbers are like the negative space of the patterned, positive space non-primes. Each defining the other.
That ST units ... that together must be conserved ... are themselves of so much space over so much time. As it pulse-propagates into and out of existence ... as a part of the whole ... it must have quantities of extension into (and out of) space.
Extension takes time. So there must be a reciprocal quantity of time to allow for the spatial extension. Short extension, short time multiplied by a high pulse frequency gives high energy and vice versa. Short time appears short ... in the sense of a smaller quantity of temporal units (seconds), but actually ... on the quantum level ... the short time means the clock rate is slowed (it takes longer for each clock second ... time is expanded, dilated), such that a slower internal clock combined with a shorter extension equals ... in terms of its quantum Planck energy (h)... a longer ST extension with longer apparent time. That longer time has it clock rate moving reciprocally faster (it takes less time for each clock second ... time is contracted), such that the apparent time (seconds) seems longer. This is the basis for all Planck energy units, h, being equal and their energy, E, presented being dependent on the frequency, ν, at which they pulse-propagate into and out of existence, E=hν.
The speed of light, c, equals the wavelength, λ, per second or cyclic period of time (frequency) as: c=λν.
The conserved speed of light is built into the Conservation of SpaceTime ... which forms the basis for the Conservation of Energy. Energy density defines the curvature of ST (and vice versa). The ISL defines the ST distribution (curvature) of energy. The interrelationships ... the interconnectedness ... of the numbers and their patterns of the ISL are revealed by the Brooks (Base) Square. It is The Architecture Of SpaceTime (TAOST).
Anything that purports to inform the architecture of spacetime must have these qualities inherent:
Brooks (Base) Square easily fulfills each of these requirements. in fact, looking at these requirements from the vantage point of ST units and comparing their fulfillment to that of Brooks (Base) Square and one can see no difference ... they are interchangeable.
Imagine this scenario that was taken from my work “Conservation of SpaceTime” and now briefly elaborated on. ST units are composed of bosons. When relatively stable ST units appear, they represent one of two types of bosons ... both being composed of yet a third type, the photon. Light (EM spectrum) represents moving ST units and these are none other than the photon bosons.
Photons come with spin 1 and have either left or right handed spin. When two moving photons with the same spin constructively interfere, they generate a new, temporary, relatively static boson with spin 2 (L+L or R+R). That is our graviton boson.
When two photons with opposite spin combine, it is the Higgs boson that is generated ... having spin 0 (L=R or R+L).
The graviton, with its very active spin 2 configuration ... and its dependency on its source of radiating photons ... conveys its enhanced curvature of spacetime locally ... as gravity. And just like the EM spectrum, the force of gravity falls off inversely with the square of the distance of separation from its focused source (ISL). The graviton is difficult to measure as a discrete quantum particle because of the tenuous nature of its existence. Its movement is dependent on the movement of its photon-generated interference pattern.
The Higgs boson ... contrary to the modern notion of it being massive ... is, in fact, massless, chargeless and spinless. It will not be detected by modern techniques (like the LHC, Large Hadron Collider) that look for massive particles. The Higgs boson does hold the maximum symmetry of opposing fundamentals of physical expression in the Universe. Its mass, charge and spin are all neutral ... effectively zero ... because it contains equal and opposite vectors of each. It is, thus, the mother of all ST units (bosons) and the ST particles (fermions) that it creates. Because net spin greater than zero is required for motion, it is also motionless. It represents both the zero and the full matrix grid of number values of the Brooks (Base) Square. And, like all ST units, it pulses into and out of existence. It may decouple its perfect symmetry forming two child photon ST units ... with equal and opposite spin ... blasting off in opposite directions. These new bosons so formed ... these photons ... carry the signature energy of ST ... always traveling as ST is wont to do, at the velocity of light, c.
Misc. Interconnectedness - Ϝ, Φ, ⎄, 2½, 1.37
Now that our heads are spinning with the possibilities of interconnectedness, let’s utilize those propellers to sweep over a couple of speculative associations with far reaching implications.
We’ll start with the one that is pretty solid and finish with the one that ... while being provocative to the extreme ... is, nevertheless ... quite a speculative leap ... and don’t we just love to leap!
The Golden Mean, Φ=1.618 ... and its siblings the Golden Rectangle, ⎄, Golden Section, Golden Spiral, etc. ... is so universal in both the natural and artificial, human-designed world that surely its presence must be felt in the ISL and Brooks (Base) Square. The difficulty of fixing an easy to see association ... an interconnectedness ... between the two is one of fractions (proportions) versus whole numbers. Φ is expressed in decimal terms as 1.618, or 1:1.618 or 1:1:.618.
The Fibonacci series, Ϝ, has addressed the fraction problem head on by describing a simple number progression of whole integer numbers whose ratios of successive pairs of numbers in sequence nicely approaches the value of Φ...1-1-2-3-5-8-13-34-55-89-144-233-.... Each Ϝ # is formed by adding the pair of numbers immediately preceding. And the difference, ∆, between the Ϝ #s is Φ once you move along the progression.
Now that we have some whole numbers to look at, we can examine Φ, ⎄, 2½ (square root of 2), all within the Ϝ # series and how it might interact with the ISL and Brooks (Base) Square. See Rules 161-166.
Lastly, we look further into the abstract abyss of pure number relationships ... in this case a brief look at 1-3-7.
When a dimensionless number is part of an equation ... especially when present as a fundamental universal constant ... it has two functions, scale and value. How large (or small) and what is the amount of leverage (ratio value). The ratio value is informing the rest of the equation how much, proportionally and strictly relevant, it will modify the rest of the equation’s value. Of course it matters on which side of the line, numerator or denominator, it is positioned ... at least, sort of, for the mechanics of the equation ... because we know we can always flip it to the opposite side of the line by simply using its inverse ... dividing it into one. With that in mind, we fancy a speculative interconnectedness of the 1.37 number that arises from the Ϝ series and 1/137 the Fine Structure Constant. See Rules 167-168.
Should you elect to simply scan or skip over the marvelous, but esoterically challenging Rules 167-168, remiss NOT the final section below on the PTOP (Periodic Table of Primes) and the solution to Euler's "strong" form of the Goldbach Conjecture and the little discoveries that follow. Rules 169-175..
Misc. Interconnectedness - Prime Numbers, Even Numbers, Goldbach Conjecture and PTOP
Finally, we take a look at one more remarkable interconnection ... this time between all the Even Numbers and the Prime Numbers, Euler’s “strong” form of the Goldbach Conjecture, and the Periodic Table of Primes (PTOP). See Rules 169-175.
Misc. Interconnectedness - Ϝ, Φ, ⎄, 2½, 1.37
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162 | BS Rule 162: The interconnection of the ISL and the Fibonacci number series, Ϝ, can be seen at the start, with the number one. The ISL, built on the squares of whole number integers ... 0-1-2-3-4-5-... begins with 1. The Golden Rectangle, ⎄, whose long side is the Golden Mean, Φ=1.618, has a short side of 1. The embedded 1x1 square has a diagonal (hypotenuse) of the square root of two, 2½. The hypotenuse value of a square with sides of ΦxΦ will equal 2½Φ, that of a square Φ2xΦ2 will equal 2½Φ2, that of Φ3xΦ3 will equal 2½Φ3, and so on. Again, the difference, ∆, between successive square’s hypotenuses increasing by the product of Φ and the previous Φn value is simply an increase in the exponential value of Φ as Φ, Φ2, Φ3, Φ4,... |
Note: Example: 144xΦ=233; 233xΦ=377; 377xΦ=610; 144xΦ2=377, 144xΦ3=610
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163 | BS Rule 163: While both the ISL and the Fibonacci number series, Ϝ, show the difference, ∆, of the successive squares as having a 3-5-7-9-... progression. This is a superficial similarity in that the ISL series describes a specific order in the progression and is valid only for that segment, while in the Ϝ series, the difference, ∆, between the successive squares is actually a constant throughout the progression, i.e. at any point in the series, the ∆ between the successive squares at that point is the same constant ... Φ2 ... this being based on the same fundamental core ∆ between each side (#) of the square ... that of Φ. |
Note: The ISL increases sequentially as the odd-number summation series: (1-2-3-4-5-...)2=1-4-9-16-25-... and differences, ∆, of (1)-3-5-7-9-... respectively. The Ϝ series increases, not additively as in the ISL, but by a constant factor of Φ squared, or Φ2, as the sides are increased exponentially as: Φ-Φ2-Φ3-... (and not as Φ-2Φ-3Φ).
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164 | BS Rule 164: The Ϝ series progresses as the exponential squares of the fixed Φ unit. Nevertheless, the difference, ∆, between successive square steps follows as Φ3-Φ5-Φ7-Φ9-... an odd number series of exponential Φ values. In this respect, the Ϝ squares increase in exponential values of Φ as Φ-Φ2-Φ3-Φ4-Φ5-..., their respective areas increase as Φ2-Φ4-Φ6-Φ8-Φ10-..., respectively, and, the ∆ between the successive areas follows as Φ3-Φ5-Φ7-Φ9, ..., respectively. |
Note: The difference between successive Ϝ #s is Φ... between every other Ϝ # it is Φ2... between every third Ϝ # it is Φ3. In the charts below, we see that the differences between Φ-Φ2-Φ3-... is itself yet another Ϝ-like series. The difference, ∆, between the subsequent Φn values follows exactly as a Ϝ series. Each subsequent value of Φn is the sum,∑, of the two preceding values. Another way to look at this is the progression of squares, as above, where the sides grow as Φ-Φ2-Φ3-.... In actuality, as: Φ1=0+1Φ Φ2=1+1Φ Φ3=1+2Φ Φ4=2+3Φ Φ5=3+5Φ Φ6=5+8Φ Φ7=8+13Φ Φ8=13+21Φ Every new side is the sum, ∑, of the two preceding sides.
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165 | BS Rule 165: There is a natural repetitive cycling of one even for every two odd # values ... as even-odd-odd-even-odd-odd,... within the Ϝ series. This corresponds to spiraling through the two odd and one even 1st Diagonals on the Brooks (Base) Square that has been modified to include the even 1st Diagonal + both odd 1st Diagonals (as in Base Square). Every even #, excluded and included, alternately, that is included in the Ϝ series is Φ3 (approximately 2½x3) larger or smaller than its next or previous even #, respectively. |
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166 | BS Rule 166: The difference, ∆, between the spiraling square steps of the ISL and that of the Ϝ series is distinct. The ISL is a relatively slow, tight winding of a straightforward linear progression of areas, adding the sums of the previous square area to the next area, to form the new square. The Ϝ series is a fast winding of an exponential geometric progression of areas formed by a similar process of the addition of areas, only the areas are themselves exponential squares ... squares of the squares, if you will ... and not simple geometric squares as in the ISL. The growth of the Ϝ series squares is vastly superior to that of the ISL, reaching six figures in 24 steps as 24/3=8 turns of the spiral. |
1.6180339887 x 1.6180339887 x 1.6180339887 = 4.23606798 Φ3=4.2358. Close, but not exact.
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167 | BS Rule 167: Take any Fibonacci, Ϝ, # and divide it sequentially by the Golden Mean, Φ, and it will resolve down to 1.17105. (1.17105)2=1.37137. The Fine Structure Constant (FSC), or α, equals approximately 1/137. The FSC is one of the pure number, dimensionless universal constants of physics. It defines the fundamental interaction ... coupling constant (strength)... of the electromagnetic force (EMF). (See “GoDNA: The Geometry of DNA” to see how 1.37(α) and 1.618 (Φ) are fundamental in the DNA Master Table ... defining the geometric structure of the DNA double helix in the axial view.) The FSC is actually about 1/137. It simply represents a pure dimensionless # that functions as a proportion ... a ratio factor ... in the mathematical description of other dimension-based physical parameters that yield the coupling strength of the EM interaction. It is extremely intriguing that 1.37 shows up here in the Ϝ series, but for now, we will call it a speculative interconnection. |
Note: Example: 144/Φ4=1.17105 (1.17105)2=1.37137 |
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168 | BS Rule 168: Take any Fibonacci, Ϝ, # and divide it sequentially by the Golden Mean, Φ, and it will resolve one step further down, past 1.17105, and you will get numbers scattered around 0.723, the inverse of which is close to 1.38. The exception is number 5, it resolves to 0.7295515, with an inverse # of 1.3707052. Coincidence? |
Misc. Interconnectedness - Prime Numbers, Even Numbers, Goldbach Conjecture and PTOP
Please refer to
Goldbach Conjecture |
for in depth review of prime numbers as it applies here.
(Weisstein, Eric W. "Goldbach Conjecture." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.
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169 |
BS Rule 169: The solution to the strong form of the Goldbach Conjecture ... as modified by Euler ... “that every even positive integer greater than or equal to 4 can be written as a sum of two primes” is presented here as the Periodic Table of Primes (PTOP), an unequivocal pattern of primes, in sets of two, which account for every even positive whole number integer. (Please donate any prize money associated with this proof to the help, nutrition, education, shelter and prevention of abuse of the underprivileged children of the world.) A simple graphical plot of the pairs of prime numbers whose sum, ∑, equals the next sequential even whole number integer ... 4-6-8-10-12-14-16-... reveals a series of patterns amongst those prime pairs:
Note: The sum, ∑, of the actual numbers of prime pair (PP) sets in the first column ... ∑#PP ... increases by one, giving the sequence: 1-2-3-.... These PP sets run diagonally from top-left to bottom-right. We are simply adding one new PP set. Note that for any given set, the first prime # of that set increases in strict prime sequence order (no primes are missing!), while the second # remains fixed, e.g. 3+7, 5+7, 7+7. The sums, ∑, of the PP sets grow as one goes down the diagonal. The empty blank spaces going down diagonally, while not being prime, do follow the strict odd number sequence ... as if they were there ... acting as place holders, e.g. 3+11, 5+11, 7+11 and 11+11 has a blank diagonal space where 9+11 would go if 9 were prime, but it’s not, nevertheless, it acts as a blank placeholder for the odd number sequence, and the next valid prime number 11 is over and down diagonally 2 spaces from its predecessor, 7. Restated: If all the odd numbers were prime then the diagonals would all line up, corner to corner, to give a straight line; but for those odd numbers which are not prime, the diagonal corners are staggered with blanks stacked for each non-prime odd number. See the PTOP. Going down vertically from the top, this time it is the second prime # of that set increases in strict prime sequence order (no primes are missing!), while the first # remains fixed, e.g. 5+5, 5+7, 5+11,.... The sums, ∑, of the PP sets grow as one goes down the column. The empty blank spaces going down vertically, while not being prime, do follow the strict odd number sequence ... as if they were there ... acting as place holders, e.g. above the 5+9 set is blank as 9 is not prime, but it does follow the odd number sequence as 5-7-9-11. Going horizontally across, the prime #s of the PP sets both change. The first prime # increases, while the second decreases. And while they both do respect the natural sequence of primes, they do NOT do so in strict order, i.e. there are jumps along the sequence, bypassing some of those primes that are in strict order sequence, e.g. 3+19, 5+17, 11+11 (forming ∑=22), the first prime #s of the PP sets are 3-5-11 ... missing the 7 between the 5 and 11, and the second prime #s going in the reverse direction are 11-17-19 ... missing the 13 between the 11 and 17, and if you look at the chart there is a blank space at exactly this position of the missing PPs (naturally since 7+13=20 and does not belong on this row). What this points out is that the horizontal PP set pattern actually does follow the strict prime number sequence but for those PP sets that do NOT add up to the even number that that row represents, a blank naturally occurs there, causing the jumps in the strict prime number sequence. This is valuable information in confirming the horizontal, vertical and diagonal patterns of the PP sets are properly in place and accounted for.
Remembering that:
let’s proceed to an example of a series of primes providing both a visual and mathematical solution to the solution of the conjecture.
possible PP sets going across the PTOP whose 2nd PP set # is 1601;
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170 | BS Rule 170: The Periodic Table of Primes (PTOP) is present ... albeit hidden ... within
the Brooks (Base) Square. Each prime pair (PP) set forms an even
number. All even numbers are formed from one or more PP sets. The
overlap of the two right-angled diagonals (one diagonal is yellow, the
other is blue-green) forms a right-angled isosceles triangle with a series of
apexes culminating finally onto the the even numbers of the upper 1st
Diagonal. The apexes formed along the way are the products of that
triangle ... i.e. they reside on the upper axis as the base vertices of that
triangle. Multiplied together, their product at the apex of the triangle is
revealed. However, adding them together, instead, reveals their even sum
at the final apex along the upper even 1st Diagonal. Thus they are hidden.
The double of any horizontal axis number is also directly below on the 1st
Diagonal. |
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A natural finding resulting from the discovery that the PTOP was already embedded within Brooks (Base) Square were the Right-Angle Isosceles Triangle Multiplication Rules (Rules 171-175). Remember that the only difference between the Base Square (BS 1.00) and the Brooks (Base) Square (BS1.01+) is the even-numbered upper 1st Diagonal of the latter.
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171 | BS Rule 171: The product of any two odd axis numbers on
the Base Square can be found at the right-angle vertex of an isosceles triangle so
formed. |
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172 | BS Rule 172: The product of any two even axis numbers on either
the Base Square or the Brooks (Base) Square can be found at the right-angle vertex of an isosceles triangle so
formed. |
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173 | BS Rule 173: Corollary to Rule 171: Any odd number on the Inner Grid on
the Base Square is the product of two odd numbers from its adjacent axis acting as vertices to a right-angle isosceles triangle, with said product at the apex. |
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174 | BS Rule 174:Corollary to Rule 172: Any even number on the Inner Grid on either
the Base Square or the Brooks (Base) Square is the product of two even numbers from its adjacent axis acting as vertices to a right-angle isosceles triangle, with said product at the apex. |
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175 | BS Rule 175: Every number in the Inner Grid on
the Base Square is the difference, ∆, between two PD numbers and can be found as the right-angle vertex of an isosceles triangle whose base vertices are those two PD numbers. |
With this we have now come full circle ...
though, without a doubt, we will find many, many more complete circuits of interconnectedness. Here
we see how the primes, normally hidden from the Strict Inner Grid ... and by definition singularly
devoid of pattern ... become embedded in the very fabric of the square by their combinations with
other numbers (TCAOP) or by being part of the simple Prime Pair (PP) sets that we have now found to
not only form the core of the Periodic Table of Primes (PTOP), but to actually have a one to one
presence from the PTOP to the SIG within Brooks (Base) Square. This remarkable
interconnectedness came about this time, not from looking for a connection ... no, quite the
opposite ... in this case it came from looking quite independently at the Goldbach Conjecture and
wondering how the primes as pair sets and the even numbers might be somehow patterned together.
Finding that the double of every prime summed up to an even number ... but not just any even number,
but only an even number that was NOT divisible by 4 and thus a member of the "excluded" evens
(6-10-14-18-22-26-...) ... that first the PTOP was formed and then it was found to fit embedded and
"hidden" within the square itself. Every PP set of the PTOP has it corresponding PP set embedded in
an orderly array within the grid. Truly remarkable. Nature is spelled number.
Rules 171-175 have truly brought us back...full circle... to the original quest: How might the axes and Prime Diagonal (PD) of the ISL be related to the Inner Grid numbers? As we can see ... intimately a full spectrum of interconnectedness from the simple to the sublime. To leave you with an example of the former, indeed, every number on the Inner Grid is both a product of the axis numbers and the difference of the PD numbers!
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TAOST: Rules 1-50 | Rules 51-80 | Rules 81-99 | Rules 100-107 | Rules 108-153 | TCAOP: Rule 154 | Rules 155-157 | Rules 158-159 | Rule 160 | Interconnectedness: Rules 161-175 | Appendix A: Rules 176-181 | Appendix B: Rules 182-200 | |
NEXT: On to
Back to II. TCAOP>IIC.
TCAOP=BS-network>2. Prime Locator - diagonal addition
Page 2a- PIN: Pattern in Number...from primes to DNA.
Page 2b- PIN: Butterfly Primes...let the beauty seep in..
Page 2c- PIN: Butterfly Prime Directive...metamorphosis.
Page 2d- PIN: Butterfly Prime Determinant Number Array (DNA) ~conspicuous abstinence~.
Page 3- GoDNA: the Geometry of DNA (axial view) revealed.
Page 4- SCoDNA: the Structure and Chemistry of DNA (axial view).
Page 5a- Dark-Dark-Light: Dark Matter = Dark Energy
Page 5b- The History of the Universe in Scalar Graphics
Page 5c- The History of the Universe_update: The Big Void
Page 6a- Geometry- Layout
Page 6b- Geometry- Space Or Time Area (SOTA)
Page 6c- Geometry- Space-Time Interactional Dimensions(STID)
Page 6d- Distillation of SI units into ST dimensions
Page 6e- Distillation of SI quantities into ST dimensions
Page 7- The LUFE Matrix Supplement: Examples and Proofs: Introduction-Layout & Rules
Page 7c- The LUFE Matrix Supplement: References
Page 8a- The LUFE Matrix: Infinite Dimensions
Page 9- The LUFE Matrix:E=mc2
Page 10- Quantum Gravity the book
Page 11- Conservation of SpaceTime
Page 12- LUFE: The Layman's Unified Field Expose`
Page 13- GoMAS: The Geometry of Music, Art and Structure ...linking science, art and esthetics. Part I
Page 14- GoMAS: The Geometry of Music, Art and Structure ...linking science, art and esthetics. Part II
Page 15- Brooks (Base) Square (BS): The Architecture of Space-Time (TAOST) and The Conspicuous Absence of Primes (TCAOP) - a brief introduction to the series
Page 16- Brooks (Base) Square interactive (BBSi) matrix: Part I "BASICS"- a step by step, multi-media interactive
Page 17- The Architecture Of SpaceTime (TAOST) as defined by the Brooks (Base) Square matrix and the Inverse Square Law (ISL).
The LUFE Matrix | The LUFE Matrix Supplement | The LUFE Matrix: Infinite Dimensions | The LUFE Matrix: E=mc2 | Dark Matter=Dark Energy | The History of the Universe in Scalar Graphics | The History of the Universe_update: The Big Void | Quantum Gravity the book | The Conservation of SpaceTime | LUFE: The Layman's Unified Field Expose` | ||||| index | netart01: RealSurReal...aClone | netart02: funk'n DNA/Creation GoDNA | netart03: 9-11_remembered | netart04: Naughty Physics (a.k.a. The LUFE Matrix) | netart05: Your sFace or Mine? | netart06: Butterfly Primes | netart07: Geometry of Music Color | | Art Theory 101 / White Papers Index | |||||