Brooks (Base) Square (BS) 101
~ The Architecture of Space-Time (TAOST)
The Conspicuous Absence of Primes (TCAOP) ~
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
I. TAOST - the network
II. TCAOP - everything minus the network
A. Review of the "Butterfly Primes"
B. Brooks Square (BS)= the new ISL table matrix
1. Prime Locator - addition 155-157
2. Prime Locator - subtraction 158-159
3. Prime Locator - diagonal addition 160
III. Interconnectedness 161-175
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~click to enlarge image | |
BS 1.00 | Brooks (Base) Square (BS 1.00):Identical to BS 1.01 except for 1st upper diagonal from the Prime Diagonal is ODD, mirroring that of the lower 1st diagonal. |
TAOST: Rules 1-50 | Rules 51-80 | Rules 81-99 | Rules 100-107 | Rules 108-153 | TCAOP: Rule 154 | Rules 155-157 | Rules 158-159 | Rule 160 | Interconnectedness: Rules 161-175 | Appendix A: Rules 176-181 | Appendix B: Rules 182-200 | |
NEXT: On to
I. TAOST - Brooks (Base) Square
Back to A Brief Introduction- Brooks (Base) Square
Page 2a- PIN: Pattern in Number...from primes to DNA.
Page 2b- PIN: Butterfly Primes...let the beauty seep in..
Page 2c- PIN: Butterfly Prime Directive...metamorphosis.
Page 2d- PIN: Butterfly Prime Determinant Number Array (DNA) ~conspicuous abstinence~.
Page 3- GoDNA: the Geometry of DNA (axial view) revealed.
Page 4- SCoDNA: the Structure and Chemistry of DNA (axial view).
Page 5a- Dark-Dark-Light: Dark Matter = Dark Energy
Page 5b- The History of the Universe in Scalar Graphics
Page 5c- The History of the Universe_update: The Big Void
Page 6a- Geometry- Layout
Page 6b- Geometry- Space Or Time Area (SOTA)
Page 6c- Geometry- Space-Time Interactional Dimensions(STID)
Page 6d- Distillation of SI units into ST dimensions
Page 6e- Distillation of SI quantities into ST dimensions
Page 7- The LUFE Matrix Supplement: Examples and Proofs: Introduction-Layout & Rules
Page 7c- The LUFE Matrix Supplement: References
Page 8a- The LUFE Matrix: Infinite Dimensions
Page 9- The LUFE Matrix:E=mc2
Page 10- Quantum Gravity the book
Page 11- Conservation of SpaceTime
Page 12- LUFE: The Layman's Unified Field Expose`
Page 13- GoMAS: The Geometry of Music, Art and Structure ...linking science, art and esthetics. Part I
Page 14- GoMAS: The Geometry of Music, Art and Structure ...linking science, art and esthetics. Part II
Page 15- Brooks (Base) Square (BS): The Architecture of Space-Time (TAOST) and The Conspicuous Absence of Primes (TCAOP) - a brief introduction to the series
Page 16- Brooks (Base) Square interactive (BBSi) matrix: Part I "BASICS"- a step by step, multi-media interactive
Page 17- The Architecture Of SpaceTime (TAOST) as defined by the Brooks (Base) Square matrix and the Inverse Square Law (ISL).