BBS-ISL_Matrix_Flow from Reginald Brooks on Vimeo.
The BBS-ISL Matrix:
The single most important concept to take from here is that not only is ST not rigid and static...indeed it is more like a fluid made of light, each quanta of which flashes on and off...pulse-propagates into and out of a frequency (and wavelength) according to its energy...and this fluid light ST unit resonates off a wave of energy at the peak of each pulse-flash...that wave, like a pond ripple, fans out to infinity (or the edge of the Universe...which ever comes first) where it is absorbed back into the sub-Planck event horizon (Singularity) to fuel the next round...communicating...passing on to the location source and energy density...the amount and degree of its presence...its every other ST unit throughout the Universe(s), BUT that the ST formation and curvature information propagation is informed, dictated and quantified by the matrix of BBS and the ISL...the bean counters par excellence!
And if that is not enough to fully float your boat, toss in the fractal. Yes the Fractal Universe. The whole pulse-propagating, BBS-ISL dependent, boson ST unit...a.k.a. curved a reiterative, self-similar fractal manifestation of the perfectly recyclable Universe.
It has to be accountable...and it is. Think about it. If the force of gravity(G) and the force of electromagnetism (EM) both occupy the same do all the forces and energies of Nature...and all follow the dictates of the ISL, then "The Architecture Of SpaceTime" itself must be inherently defined...and thus designed...upon the dictates of the ISL.
Gravity and EM do not sit above...on top of...the ST matrix. No, they operate within and are intimately associated with that very same liquid ST described.
As the forces and energies co-exist within the “context” of the ST matrix, they must...while always ultimately satisfying the Conservation Laws (energy, mass-energy, charge, momentum(s), velocity of light, and ST) able to communicate the information of their existence (past, present and future) at all times to every part of the ST matrix.
That information is the quantity and position (and the nature or type of energy...which ultimately distills back down to its energy signature...a result of its frequency, wavelength, mass, charge, and spin symmetries).
That information, quantified as it is, becomes the distance from the source is increased. It is convenient to represent this dilution digitally as discrete stair-case steps as shown in the BBS-ISL matrix grid.
Much has been made of recent popularizations of Einstein’s statement that the distinction between past, present and future is an illusion. Einstein’s statement underlined the discrepancies...individual biases that failed to account for the overall energy densities (including factors of speed, acceleration and the gravitational intensities) of the observer and observed. One persons’ past is another’s present...and so on.
Indeed, the modern popular extension is that not only is the distinction of past, present and future an illusion, it is literally absurd in that the history of all people, all particles, all things are permanently frozen in frames in a movie reel...and one could theoretically revisit them.
Not sure about the revisiting, but the pulse-propagation wave-ripple history of every ST unit is present in...indeed it forms...the larger ST matrix...and where you, the observer are, will determine if you are experiencing the past, present and/or future of that ST unit.
It’s not that these ripples of ST waves formed from the pulse-propagation of the ST unit are in any way frozen in ST...they most certainly are NOT...rather, it is that the ST unit itself, and its wave pulses, are both in constant motion, communicating their energy presence to every other ST unit.
The dynamic interaction of multiple pulse-propagating ST units generates interference patterns that profoundly affect the presence and disposition of all other ST units...including those with mass.
A past, present and future is...despite the movement...always revealed, but never fixed.
Revealed in that the present signature footprint of any ST phenomena is the result of that multi-source interference at that moment...whose ripple path (past) can be traced step-by-step back to each of the pulse-propagating ST units forming it, and forward to the next wave of interference effects, as each of the ST wave ripples pass through each other and expand outward.
The BBS-ISL Matrix evolved from the original L.U.F.E. (The Layman's Unified Field Exposé, 1985) and The LUFE Matrix that came as a distillation of core concepts. Please see the following index link for white papers, new media net. art, and ebooks (mostly free):
Enjoy the numbness!
Thanks for viewing!
(original music mashup of my own clips and loops)
TPISC I: Basics The Pythagorean — Inverse Square Connection ©2015, Reginald Brooks, Brooks Design. All rights reserved.
click HOME to return to the home page.
TPISC II: Advanced The Pythagorean — Inverse Square Connection ©2015, Reginald Brooks, Brooks Design. All rights reserved.
click HOME to return to the home page.
MathspeedST: Leapfrogging LightspeedST FASTER than The Speed of Light ©2013, Reginald Brooks, Brooks Design. All rights reserved.
click HOME to return to the home page.
LightspeedST: Leapfrogging @ The Speed of Light ©2013, Reginald Brooks, Brooks Design. All rights reserved.
click HOME to go to the LightspeedST ebook home page.
~ MathspeedST: The Ubiquitous Information of Numbers white paperArtist Link in iTunes Apple Books Store: Reginald Brooks
art theory 101-index
titles and topics:
Page 5a: Dark-Dark-Light: Dark Matter = Dark Energy (the inverse of) .
Page 5c: The History of the Universe - update- "The Big Void" .
Page 6: The LUFE Matrix.
Page 7: The LUFE Matrix Supplement.
Page 9: The LUFE Matrix: E=mc2
Page10: Quantum the book
Page11: Conservation of SpaceTime
Pages 12a-p: digitized version of the original 1985 L.U.F.E. manuscript
Page 12a: LUFE: The Layman's Unified Field Expose`
~Introduction-Contents-List of Figures~
Pages 15-19: MathspeedST
Page 16: Brooks (Base) Square interactive (BBSi) matrix: Part I: BASICS
Page 18: Numbers Of Inevitability ~ Let's do a number on that!
Page 19: AFPOP: A Fresh Piece of Pi(e)...and the √2, too...Fractal - Fractal - Fractal
Pages 20-27: LightspeedST
Page 20: LightspeedST: 1. 20 Questions
Page 21: LightspeedST: 2. 20 Answers
Page 22: LightspeedST: 3. Mechanics of ST
Page 23: LightspeedST: 4. The Movie Script
Page 24: LightspeedST: 5. The Movie
Page 25: LightspeedST: 6. Links + References
Page 26: LightspeedST: 7. Quark Portraits
Page 27: LightspeedST: 8. Triad~ruminations
Page 28: LightspeedST: the eBook (complementary to MathspeedST)
Page 29: MathspeedST: the eBook (complementary to LightspeedST) Page 30: MathspeedST_The Ubiquitous Information of Numbers (complementary to LightspeedST) Page 31: TPISC: The Pythagorean — Inverse Square Connection: A MathspeedST Supplement Page 32: TPISC: INTRO to The Pythagorean — Inverse Square Connection: A MathspeedST Supplement Page 37: Time and Structure: The role of the Inverse Square Law Page 39: TPISC III: Clarity—Simplified: ToPPT (Tree of Primitive Pythagorean Triples Page 40: BIMtree-ToPPT_AREAS: 12 Easy Pieces Page 43b: TPISC_IV_Details: BIM + PT + DNA + Epstein-Barr Virus Page 44: TPISC_IV_Details: BIM + PT + Decagon (double Pentagons) Page 45: TPISC_IV_Details: Phi, Fibonacci, Pentagon Connections to the PTs Page 46: TPISC_IV_Details: BIM + Primitive Pythagorean Triples + the PRIMES Page 47: TPISC_IV_Details: DSEQEC (Double-Slit Experiment – Quantum Entanglement Conjecture, Part I of II) Page 49: TPISC_IV_Details: CaCoST — Creation and Conservation of SpaceTime (Part II of II) Page 50: TPISC_IV_Details: BIM: How to Make (with Spreadsheet App) Page 51: Big OUTLINE for TPISC IV: Details
Page 53: TPISC_IV_Details: Simple Path from the BIM to the PRIMES Page 54: TPISC Artworks Page 55: PRIMES vs NO-PRIMES ebook Page 56: PRIME Gaps Page 57: PTOP: Periodic Table Of PRIMES and the Goldbach Conjecture Page 58: PTOP: Periodic Table Of PRIMES and the Goldbach Conjecture ebook in Apple Books Page 59: PRIMES Index PTOP: Periodic Table Of PRIMES, PRIMES Gap, PRIMES vs NO-PRIMES,... Page 60: PTOP: Periodic Table Of PRIMES and the Goldbach Conjecture: How to Make with Fractals Page 61: PRIMES on the BIM Page 62: PRIMES on the BIM ebook Page 63: DSEQEC & CaCoST ebook Page 65: Math—Art—Physics (MAP) Index Page 66: BIM-Goldbach_Conjecture, I Page 67: BIM-Goldbach_Conjecture, II
Page 69: Mersenne Prime Squares
Page 70: Mersenne Prime Square: 3 simple intros
Page 71: Mersenne Prime Squares: Advanced