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Copyright©2014, Reginald Brooks, BROOKS DESIGN All rights reserved. |
The Bigger Picture
What if we have been looking at this all wrong?
The history of science—which is really the history of discovery—has certainly been marked by some keen observations. Generally, these observations have brought together disparate threads into one cohesive fabric—Galileo, Newton and Einstein come to mind, amongst a horde of others. Mostly, the mathematics in the end, tie it altogether. It is used in the processes of description-quantitation, analysis and ultimately, proofs. With a few exceptions—like Paul Dirac’s mathematical prediction of the yet unknown anti-electron (positron)—the math rides along as the “language” of science, and, like the letters, words, sentences and paragraphs of our written language, it describes and communicates the thoughts and ideas of the writer—and not the other way around.
What do you mean by “and not the other way around?”
Is it possible, that in the Universe, the mathematics doesn’t play second fiddle as some king of invention by humans to describe the “real” Universe?
Is it possible, that the mathematics not only plays first fiddle, it also sets the tone and harmony—it is the composer, conductor and choirmaster all rolled into one?
The fixed, mathematical relationships of the BBS-ISL matrix are the given mathematical sub-structure that exists on its own below the Observable Universe, but in every sense of the word informs the expression of that Observable Universe.
The fact that the BBS-ISL matrix is everywhere—ubiquitous—informing the very creation of spacetime—means it does not travel—not really, anyway—as it is already there!
What do you mean “it is already there?”
It’s already there in that a fixed relationship between the numbers of the BBS-ISL matrix are already there. The relationship—and thus the quantifying number(s)—is already there. From any possible spot, now and in the future, the relationships between all the possible numbers in the BBS-ISL matrix are instantly, ubiquitously and forever known. One can euphemistically that “MathspeedST” travels faster than the speed of light—and it does, but only in the sense that it is already there.
But I thought nothing could travel faster than the speed of light?
Isn’t lightspeed the ultimate top speed that any thing—that being a photon as a single quantum piece of spacetime expression (information)—can attain?
Yes! That’s exactly right within the confines of spacetime expression in our Observable Universe. But here is where we look at it all from a completely different prospective—outside of spacetime.
In the non-observable universe—call it infinity (-) space—there is NO spacetime, NO matter, NO photons, NO lightspeed. There is only the energy of information and it is in the form of mathematical information. It is ubiquitous and all knowing in the sense that its BBS-ISL matrix is ubiquitously present and thus “known” everywhere as the ultimate accountant of the whole Universe—both Observable (+space) and non-observable infinity (-) space.
It is as the ultimate accountant that the mathematical BBS-ISL matrix establishes the conservation (energy, charge, momentum, spacetime, lightspeedST) laws. It informs and allows the expression of energy, matter, waves, momentum, force, lightspeed, etc as incarnations of spacetime formation. And it does so with a strict accounting scheme governed behind the scenes by the BBS-ISL matrix. It never violates the laws of our Observable Universe simply because it created them in the first place—and will continue to do so. If it is faster than lightspeedST that’s because it was already there—both at the beginning space and time of the lightspeedST at one pulse-propagation point and at its next—and next, and next,…—because it is already there. In the “world” of MathspeedST there is no “real” space and time as spacetime. In MathspeedST, the only ST are the BBS-ISL matrices that ubiquitously inform all possible points of reference.
Now, it is the office of us mere mortals collectively harvesting the data that the Observable Universe presents to decipher the cause and effect of the multitude of competing, interfering BBS-ISL matrices that lie below—or is it behind—or above—or out of site.
Rethinking the profound concept that information exists before the formation of spacetime—that MathspeedST is in effect traveling faster than LightspeedST—will alter everything we thought we knew while at the same time helping us understand that which we did not!
Dark matter=dark energy (the inverse of), anyone?
Introducing MathspeedST, an ebook. MathspeedST is the complement to LightspeedST (published in June, 2013).
While LightspeedST addressed the ultimate question: “Why is the speed of light constant?” MathspeedST addresses the fundamental, underlying question: “How can information be ubiquitous, effectively traveling FASTER than the speed of light?”
LightspeedST describes how the formation of spacetime (ST) is intimately tied to the speed of light—all within the Observable Universe.
In the Observable Universe, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light—and this includes any information contained within a tangible form.
In order to satisfy a higher rule, The Conservation of Energy—you know, energy (along with its progeny: momentum, charge, spin, etc.) can neither be net created nor destroyed—clearly a mechanism must be in place to account for the distribution of said energy. Not only that, but such mechanism must do the accounting before—not after—the fact. Enter MathspeedST.
MathspeedST: Leapfrogging Lightspeed FASTER than The Speed of Light provides the fundamental mathematical basis—lying hidden below—for the accounting and distribution of all spacetime and its subsequent expression as energy, matter and fields in the Observable Universe above.
This freely available interactive ebook brings together under one publication the Brooks (Base) Square-Inverse Square Law, or BBS-ISL matrix for short, under the title MathspeedST. It includes hundreds of images, a number of videos and lots of test-yourself, interactive widgets in presenting the derivation, layout, rules, patterns and ISL-derived mathematical basis of the matrix. Ages 8–10 and up.
A new paradigm in the visualization of basic mathematics is presented!.
Multi-touch, interactive eBook: MathspeedST: The eBook
Description:Although MathspeedST began as a simple project to visualize the Inverse Square Law (ISL)—and, indeed, the Brooks (Base) Square-Inverse Square Law (BBS-ISL) matrix that resulted provides a solid, completely fixed grid of unique number relationships—it is to the fundamental, underlying question: “How can information be ubiquitous—here, there and everywhere— effectively traveling FASTER than the speed of light?” that this work addresses.
And, while some 200+ images, including over 100 interactive widgets, 8 videos, a reference-like glossary and a number of supplemental works, all work toward helping you, dear reader, understand how the “Rules”—rules that are really just descriptors of some of the basic layouts and patterns within the matrix—reveal how such a simple ISL-based grid can have so many nearly magical relationships between numerical quantities, it is the application of this phenomenally beautiful fractal-like framework to the Conservation Laws that define our physical reality according to the Standard Model of Quantum Mechanics, that shines forth.
Because line-, shape- area-, volume- penta-, Pythagorean-, exponential-, Fibonacci- and prime number-relationships (to name a few), are all covered in detail, you will get a firm mathematical foundation to build your appreciation of the sublimely harmonious relationships between the grid cells within the matrix—ultimately realizing that because every cell is uniquely defined with only a single number, the entire BBS-ISL matrix is: • fixed • ubiquitous • instant • all-knowing (in a mathematical sense) • ISL-based.
Knowing any one spot on the matrix provides you with instant knowledge of every other spot—regardless of size!
So why is this important?
Underlying the physical reality of our Observable Universe, must be some form of an accounting and distribution mechanism that allows for the flux of energy, charge, momentum, lightspeed, and spacetime (ST) itself, to be expressed while strictly adhering to the Conservation Laws. That mechanism—containing the five necessary attributes listed above—is the BBS-ISL matrix and MathspeedST is your gateway entry.
As a complementary work to LightspeedST (the Observable Universe above), MathspeedST defines the hidden, dark matter-dark energy Universe below.
No, this is not a religious work—though the parallels have not gone unnoticed. This is mathematics—pure and simple. Clear, concise and applicable.
If you take a gallon of ice cream (Energy), you can divide it up anyway you like—but you are still left with a gallon of ice cream. Hooray for ice cream!
Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Underlying Question 3. TAOST (The Architecture Of SpaceTime) 4. TCAOP(The Complete Absence Of Primes) 5. Interconnectedness 6. Conclusion 7. Links & References 8. Appendix 9. Dyamic Interactive BBS-ISL matrix 10. Numbers of Inevitability 11. AFPOP: A Fresh Piece Of Pi(e)…and the Square Root of 2, too. 12. Next: BBS - ADVANCED (preview) 13. Review
Platforms: This is a multi-touch, interactive ebook made with iBooks Author and published in the Apple iBookstore. Currently, it requires an iPad, or OS Mavericks running on a Mac, and the free iBooks app to download and read..
Relevant White Papers by the Author
titles and topics:
Page 5a: Dark-Dark-Light: Dark Matter = Dark Energy (the inverse of) .
Page 5c: The History of the Universe - update- "The Big Void" .
Page 6: The LUFE Matrix.
Page 7: The LUFE Matrix Supplement.
Page 9: The LUFE Matrix: E=mc2
Page10: Quantum Gravity..by the book
Page11: Conservation of SpaceTime
Pages 12a-p: digitized version of the original 1985 L.U.F.E. manuscript
Page 12a: LUFE: The Layman's Unified Field Expose`
~Introduction-Contents-List of Figures~
Pages 15-19: MathspeedST
Page 16: Brooks (Base) Square interactive (BBSi) matrix: Part I: BASICS
Page 18: Numbers Of Inevitability ~ Let's do a number on that!
Page 19: AFPOP: A Fresh Piece of Pi(e)...and the √2, too...Fractal - Fractal - Fractal
Pages 20-27: LightspeedST
Page 20: LightspeedST: 1. 20 Questions
Page 21: LightspeedST: 2. 20 Answers
Page 22: LightspeedST: 3. Mechanics of ST
Page 23: LightspeedST: 4. The Movie Script
Page 24: LightspeedST: 5. The Movie
Page 25: LightspeedST: 6. Links + References
Page 26: LightspeedST: 7. Quark Portraits
Page 27: LightspeedST: 8. Triad~ruminations
Page 28: LightspeedST: the eBook (complementary to MathspeedST)