

Ocean of Numbers


Consider that the oceans of all natural numbers—symbols of quantities—selectively wash up as waves against the shores. Within these oceans of numbers are all the whole integer numbers from (0) — 1 — 2 — 3 —…—> INFINITY. All the ODDS, all the EVENS. This includes all the PRIMES, which are all ODD, except for the number 2. It also includes all the doubling of numbers, which always equals EVENS.


The Mersenne Primes are a special subset of PRIMES: they are always one less than another subset of numbers, the exponential powers of 2. These ODD subsets are one less than an EVEN subset. Not only that, but for each Mersenne Prime there is an associated (paired) perfect EVEN number known as a Perfect Number. A Perfect Number is an EVEN whose factors add up to itself (6=1+2+3). Currently there are 51 known pairs of Mersenne Prime-Perfect Number sets.


On a particular beach, the waves that wash up are ALL a particular subset of EVENS — the EVENS of the exponential power of 2: simply a doubling of ALL powers of 2 as 20=1, 2¹=2, 2²=4, 2³=8, 2⁴=16, 2⁵=32, 2⁶=64, 2⁷=128, 2⁸=256, 2⁹=512, 2¹⁰=1024, 2¹¹=2048, 2¹²=4096, 2¹³=8192,…


All the waves that we see — from little wavelets to the more dominant wave patterns — are simply various interferences of those powers of 2 described above.


Within those waves — by simply subtracting one (-1) — one finds each of those 51 known Mersenne Primes, e.i. 4-1=3, 8-1=7, 32-1=31, 128-1=127, 8192-1=8191,… This subset of the PRIMES seems to resonantly harmonious with the subset of the powers of 2.


It is like each exponential power of 2 wavelet is a container for a Mersenne Prime! So if one wants to find all the Mersenne Primes one simply has to look for each doubling of the number 2. Of course, there are an infinite number of the doublings of 2 and only 51 Mersenne Primes known so far. Must be an awful lot of wavelets of 2 that do NOT contain a Mersenne Prime!


Remember that we said that an EVEN Perfect Number is ALWAYS paired with a Mersenne Prime! Well, with the exception of the first Perfect Number 6, one can also find ALL the Perfect Numbers within the wavelets of 2 that wash up on this special beach!


Also remember that those Mersenne Primes — one less than an exponential power of 2 numbers — that this time we add that one back to put us back on the wavelet of 2, and, now divided it by 2, to give an EVEN number that we call “x.” If one multiplies this “x” times the associated Mersenne Prime, one gets the paired Perfect Number.


For example, take the Mersenne Prime = 7, now add back +1 = 8. Divided 8/2=4=x. Multiply x times the Mersenne Prime = x(Mp) = Perfect Number = 4(7) = 28.


Algebraically, this is the Euclid-Euler Theorem (2ᵖ⁻¹)(2ᵖ -1) = Perfect Number.


Geometry shows that what we are doing is taking the “x” as the short side of a rectangle and multiplying it by the long side that is the Mersenne Prime, giving us the EVEN rectangular area of the Perfect Number. Squaring the long side Mersenne Prime gives us the Mersenne Prime Square (MPS=Mp²), as we have shown before. The Perfect Number rectangle is ALWAYS contained within the Mersenne Prime Square.


And yes, if one knows the “x” value, one can always work their way back up to reveal the MPS and the Mersenne Prime that it contains. And ALL of this can be revealed by simply doubling the values within the exponential power of two — and subtracting (or, adding) 1.


The real magic comes when one starts to tally the running sums (∑) of these power of 2 EVENS.



















1+2=3 a Mersenne Prime = Mp = z

3+4=7 = z


15+16=31 = z


63+64=127 = z






4095+4096=8191 = z


As x(z) = Perfect Number = xz, and as we learned, (z+1)/2 = x, we see that the “x” value is the EVEN value on each line above. Incidentally, x-1 = y and "y" — an important, ALWAYS ODD value — mimics, yet never becomes, equal to"z," the Mersenne Prime. For now, just remember that x+y=z. Yes, that does mean that "y" is also the shorter side of the ODD Complement (OC) rectangle within the MPS.


Herein, one can begin to see that not only are there remarkable overlaps — like interference patterns — between the EVENS and the special ODDS of the Mersenne Primes, and, the doubling of the powers of 2 is embedded like a fractal — the Butterfly Fractal 1 — into the very structure of those Mersenne Prime-Perfect Number sets!




In the broader sense, a fractal is a form that redundantly, re-iteratively informs a larger form by the successive regeneration of its self-similar form. The 1-2-4-8-16-32-64… fractal form does exactly that.


1 doubles to 2, 2 double to 4, 4 doubles to 8, and so on. If one plots this pattern out by presenting each quantity as simply 1, 1 - 1, 1-1-1-1,… as represented by any repeating form — a line, a penny, a glass of beer — soon a bilateral, symmetrical pattern emerges with each side mirroring both the other side, and, the overall pattern of both “wings.” Within each wing, each doubling pattern is redundantly, re-iteratively repeated. The “Butterfly Fractal 1” is born.


(Note: Butterfly Fractal 1 refers to this original pattern of the exponential power of two — starting with 20=1. “Butterfly Fractal 2” is the exact same pattern only the running sums (∑) of the power of 2 are emphasized. “Butterfly Fractal 3” reveals that the 3D cubed geometry of the Perfect Numbers can be “flattened” back to its origins in the 2D array we see in “Butterfly Fractal 1 & 2..”)


So how do we get from the Butterfly image to the actual geometry of the MPS as seen on the BIM (BBS-ISL Matrix)?


The key is the difference of 1 between the “x” and “y” values. The MPS is composed to two rectangles, the PN and OC. The PN short side = x, the OC short side = y. And y = x-1. That means that OC + 1 + OC short sides = the full side of the MPS. And the full side of the MPS is the Mp = z.


Thus, the MPS = (y+1+y)(z), and as z=x+y, we have MPS=z²= (y+1+y)(z)= (y+1+y)(x+y).


The key is the difference of 1 between “x” and “y” and that 1 is, of course, 1 unit wide by “z” units long. Remember, it lies between the two equal “y” values on one side (TOP) of the MPS, but it extends the full length="z" down the side of the MPS.


Nearly ALL of the information embedded within the “Butterfly Fractal” is found right here in this central strip of 1 within the MPS. The pattern remains true for ALL MPS.


In each and every case, the central strip is built vertically as the exponential power of 2. Starting with 1, the next tier is 2, followed by 4, followed by 8, …. and so on depending upon the size of the MPS. The total running sum (∑) always equals “z” thus, as z=x+y, and y=x-1, the central strip of 1xz can be seen to always be composed of x+y=z, with the last, and largest, number in the series is the “x” value and the running sum (∑) of the remaining numbers equals “y.”


Example: MPS=z²=Mp²=7²=49, with z=7. With z=7, we know that (z+1)/2=x=(7+1)/2=4 and y=x-1=4-1=3. If we take the MPS area and divide it into the two rectangular areas of which it is composed we have MPS=PN + OC as 49=28+21, i.e. 7x7=49, 4x7=28 and 3x7=21.


Now let’s apply the “key difference of 1 between the ‘x’ and ‘y’ values.” Change the TOP side of the MPS from x+y to y+1+y. The center strip of 1 — 1x7 — is composed of 1+2+4=7 as 1+2=3=y and 4=x. The last, largest number is always the “x” value and the ∑ of the lesser numbers is the “y.”


The “Butterfly Fractal 1” has come to roost in the center strip of 1!


Knowing all this, one can always work backwards from y—>x—>z—>MPS.


One can also take the center strip — starting with 1 at the BOTTOM, rotate it 90° to the LEFT, and place it as a ledger at the TOP of the MPS, i.e. 4–2–1 with x=4 and y=2+1=3. The accounting of this works perfectly.


The x=4 means there are 4 vertical strips of 1x7, as 4x7=28 in our example. Of course, we know that that includes the center strip 1x7, or in other words, we have 3—1x7 strips + 1–1x7 (center strip) + 3–1x7 strips, as 3x7=21 + 1x7=7 + 3x7=21 fills in the MPS with an area of 49.


Having laid out the fractal fingerprint of the Mersenne Prime-Perfect Number set as revealed in the MPS, one now has to look at: what are the patterns that can lead to eliminating those exponential power of 2 wavelet containers that do NOT resonate with the subset of Mersenne Primes. Stay tuned!





~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


Mersenne Prime Squares (Part I) the Introductory white paper.


Mersenne Prime Squares (Part II) 3 Simple Intros.


Mersenne Prime Squares (Part III) the Advanced white paper.


The MPS Project The Mersenne Prime Squares Project.



MathspeedST: TPISC Media Center

MathspeedST: eBook (free)

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Back to Part I of the BIM-Goldbach_Conjecture.


Back to Part III of the BIM-Goldbach_Conjecture.

BACK: ---> PRIMES Index on a separate White Paper

BACK: ---> Periodic Table Of PRIMES (PTOP) and the Goldbach Conjecture on a separate White Paper (REFERENCES found here.)

BACK: ---> Periodic Table Of PRIMES (PTOP) - Goldbach Conjecture ebook on a separate White Paper

BACK: ---> Simple Path BIM to PRIMES on a separate White Paper

BACK: ---> PRIMES vs NO-PRIMES on a separate White Paper

BACK: ---> TPISC_IV: Details_BIM+PTs+PRIMES on a separate White Paper

BACK: ---> PRIME GAPS on a separate White Paper

Reginald Brooks

Brooks Design

Portland, OR

BMP, BIM-MersenneSquare-PerfectNumber, Mersenne Primes, Mersenne Prime Square, Perfect Number, Perfect Square, MPS, Mp, PTOP, Periodic Table Of PRIMES, PRIMES vs NO-PRIMES, algebraic geometry, BIM, TPISC, The Pythagorean - Inverse Square Connections, Pythagorean Triangles, DNA, Zika virus, pentagon, decagon, double pentagon, composite axial DNA double-helix, Pythagorean Triples, primitive Pythagorean Triples, non-primitive Pythagorean Triples, Pythagorean Theorem, Pythagorus Theorem, The Dickson Method, BBS-ISL Matrix, Expanded Dickson Method, r-sets, s-set, t-sets, Pair-sets, geometric proofs, MathspeedST, leapfrogging LightspeedST FASTER than the speed of light, Brooks (Base) Square- Inverse Square Law (ISL), BBS-ISL Matrix grid, The Architecture Of SpaceTime (TAOST), The Conspicuous Absence Of Primes (TCAOP), A Fresh Piece Of Pi(e), AFPOP, Numbers of Inevitability, LightspeedST, Teachers, Educators and Students (TES), number theory, ubiquitous information, FASTER than the speed of light, primes, prime numbers, fractals, mathematics, Universe, cosmos, patterns in number, DSEQEC, Double-Slit Experiment-Quantum Entanglement Conjecture, CaCost, Creation and Conservation of SpaceTime.

Art Theory 101 / White Papers Index
PIN: Pattern in Number...from primes to DNA. | PIN: Butterfly Primes...let the beauty seep in. | PIN: Butterfly Prime Directive...metamorphosis. | PIN: Butterfly Prime Determinant Number Array (DNA) ~conspicuous abstinence~. | GoDNA: the Geometry of DNA (axial view) revealed. | SCoDNA: the Structure and Chemistry of DNA (axial view). | The LUFE Matrix | The LUFE Matrix Supplement | The LUFE Matrix: Infinite Dimensions | The LUFE Matrix: E=mc2 | Dark Matter=Dark Energy | The History of the Universe in Scalar Graphics | The History of the Universe_update: The Big Void | Quantum Gravity the book | The Conservation of SpaceTime | LUFE: The Layman's Unified Field Expose` | GoMAS: The Geometry of Music, Art and Structure ...linking science, art and esthetics. Part I | Brooks (Base) Square (BBS): The Architecture of Space-Time (TAOST) and The Conspicuous Absence of Primes (TCAOP) - a brief introduction to the series | more White Papers... index | netart01: RealSurReal...aClone, 2001 | netart02: Hey!Ufunk'n with my DNA? | netart03: 9-11_remembered | netart04: Naughty Physics (a.k.a. The LUFE Matrix) | netart05: Your sFace or Mine? | netart06: Butterfly Primes | netart07: Music-Color-ISL | netart08: BBS-ISL matrix | netart09: BBS-interactive (I) | netart10: Sunspots and Solar Flares | netart11: Music-Color-ISL (II-III) | Art Theory 101: PIN, DNA, LUFE Matrix, GoMAS, BBS index | home
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