

Butterfly Fractal Expansions

  1. Areas, A
  2. Perimeters, P
  3. Details:
    • If you divide the PN/4 it gives the P sides=s of a larger area, A, of multiple MPS.
    • If you divide the Area, A, by N²=x²/16 as A/N² or 16A/x² = MPS=z²
    • f you square the PN to PN² =16A
    • On the BIM, the perpendicular value from PN² =4PN.
    • On the BIM, the perpendicular value from A=PN.


Simple as can be

You hopefully will recall that re-assigning the terms in the Euclid-Euler Theorem to x, y and z values greatly simplifies both their geometric visualizations -- as in the Mersenne Prime Square (MPS) -- and their algebraic expressions:

*Please do remember that these relationships describe a larger body of numbers taken from the Exponential Power of 2 -- a.k.a. The Butterfly Fractal 1 (BF1) -- that we refer to as "containers" in that they have all the defining parameters of the Active and True Mersenne Prime - Perfect Numbers, but are not "TRUE," in that one or more of their paramaters are not based on actual Mersenne Primes -- they function as necessary, place holding, pattern-revealing "containers." Most often, the TRUE Mp-PN are shown in BOLD.

That said, let us continue:

1-2-3 y-x-z

3-4-7 y-x-z

7-8-15 y-x-z

15-16-31 y-x-z

31-32-63 y-x-z

63-64-127 y-x-z

127-128-255 y-x-z

255-256-511 y-x-z

511-512-1023 y-x-z

1023-1024-2047 y-x-z

2047-2048-4095 y-x-z

4095-4096-8191 y-x-z



y-x-z ∑ ∆

1-2-3 6

3-4-7 14 8 = 2³

7-8-15 30 16 = 2⁴

15-16-31 62 32 = 2⁵

31-32-63 126 64 = 2⁶

63-64-127 254 128 = 2⁷

127-128-255 510 256 = 2⁸

255-256-511 1022 512 = 2⁹

511-512-1023 2046 1024 = 2¹⁰

1023-1024-2047 4094 2048 = 2¹¹

2047-2048-4095 8190 4096 = 2¹²

4095-4096-8191 16382 8192 = 2¹³



There are lots of tables at the end (Tables 146-159) with all the details. The gist of the Butterfly Fractal Expansion can be seen here in these simple examples, summarized in the images that follow. A somewhat similar area within an area was found in the Pythagorean Triples works (TPISC I-IV). Once you accept that the fractal-like concept of similar, re-iterative expansion of initial conditions/parameters as an underlying organizing principle of Nature, you might well be rewarded by taking this expansion notion out through several or more larger iterations!


The PN divided by 4 = sides of the Area (A) of Multiple Mersenne Prime Squares (MMPS).

PN/4 = s and s² = A.

That A will hold N² number of MPS.

Dividing A by N² = MPS = z².

A/N² = 16A/x² = z² = MPS.

N² = x²/16 as N = x/4.

A = N² z² = (x² z² )/16 = PN²/16.

PN² =16A.

Some examples:

If you divide the PN/4 it gives the p sides=s of a larger area, A, of Multiple MPS (MMPS).

28/4 = 7 7² = 49 = A. PN/4 = s s² = A


If you divide the Area, A, by N² = x²/16 as A/N² or 16A/x² = MPS = z².

49/1 = 49 = MPS = 7² = 16•49/16 A/N² =16A/x² = z² = MPS

N² = x²/16 as N = x/4

If you square the PN to PN² = 16A.

PN² = x² PN + xy PN = PNS • PN + CR•PN PN² = 16A = (PNS+CR)PN

28² = 784 =16A =16•49 = (16•28)+(12•28)


On the BIM, the *perpendicular value from PN² = 4PN. PN² - ->PPD = 4PN

28•4 = 112


On the BIM, the *perpendicular value from A = PN. A - ->PPD = PN

A = 49 ppd value = 28 = PN

*perpendicular value diagonally from...(PPD or simply ppd) on the BIM (BBS-ISL Matrix)


If you divide the PN/4 it gives the p sides=s of a larger area, A, of Multiple MPS (MMPS).

120/4 = 30 30² = 900 = A.


If you divide the Area, A, by N² = x²/16 as A/N² or 16A/x² = MPS = z²

900/4 = 225 = MPS = 15² = 16•900/64


If you square the PN to PN² = 16A

120² = 14400 = 16A = 16•900


On the BIM, the perpendicular value from PN² = 4PN

120•4 = 480


On the BIM, the perpendicular value from A = PN

A = 900 ppd value = 120 = PN


If you divide the PN/4 it gives the p sides = s of a larger area, A, of Multiple MPS.

496/4 = 124 124² = 15376 = A. 15376/4 = 961 = MPS = 31²


If you divide the Area, A, by N² = x²/16 as A/N² or 16A/x² = MPS = z²

15376/16 = 961= MPS = 31² = 16•15376/256


If you square the PN to PN² = 16A

496² = 246016 = 16A = 16•15376


On the BIM, the perpendicular value from PN² = 4PN

496•4 = 1984


On the BIM, the perpendicular value from A = PN

A = 15376 ppd value = 496 = PN


If you divide the PN/4 it gives the p sides = s of a larger area, A, of Multiple MPS.

2016/4 = 504 504² = 254016 = A. 15376/4 = 961 = MPS = 31²


If you divide the Area, A, by N² = x²/16 as A/N² or 16A/x² = MPS = z²

254016/64 = 3969 = MPS = 63² = 16•254016/32²


If you square the PN to PN² = 16A

2016² = 4064256 = 16A = 16•254016


On the BIM, the perpendicular value from PN² = 4PN

2016•4 = 8064


On the BIM, the perpendicular value from A = PN

A = 254016 ppd value = 2016 = PN


MMPS=Multiple MPS

N=number of

PN=Perfect Number


z² =MPS




Animated Gif





Here are some background images covered in previous sections:






Animated Gif.


Here is peak at the next section, Book X: MPS_PN Factors/Divisors:

PN = xz

Here are two examples showing the “next” PN. TRUE, Actives in BOLD. The first example shows Sets 1 and 2, but requires the “x” value of the “next” PN. The second part shows the same Sets 1 and 2, but uses the known “x” value of the current PN.


(4•6+2•2)=28 p=3

16•28+3•16=496 p=5

16•496+3•64=8128 p=7



16•2096128+3•4096=33550336 p=13


16•536854528+3•65536=8589869056 p=17

16•8589869056+3•262144=137438691328 p=19

16•137438691328+3•1048576= 2199022206976

16•2199022206976 +3•4194304= 35184367894528

16•35184367894528 +3•16777216= 562949936644096

16•562949936644096 +3•67108864= 9.0071991876E15

16•9.0071991876E15 +3•268435456= 1.4411518781E17

16•1.4411518781E17 +3•1073741824= 2.3058430082E18 p=31


(4•6+2•2)=28 p=3

16•28+12•4=496 p=5

16•496+12•16=8128 p=7



16•2096128+12•1024=33550336 p=13


16•536854528+12•16384=8589869056 p=17

16•8589869056+12•65536=137438691328 p=19


16•2199022206976 +12•1048576= 35184367894528

16•35184367894528 +12•4194304= 562949936644096

16•562949936644096 +12•16777216= 9.0071991876E15

16•9.0071991876E15 +12•67108864 = 1.4411518781E17

16•1.4411518781E17 +12•268435456 = 2.3058430081E18 p=31

The latter (16xz+12x) uses x=current "x" associated with xz while the former (16xz+3x) uses x=new (next) associated with solution, x•4. The both use the same x sequence, only the starting point differs. Note that in the latter, shortcut method, "x" is often not BOLD.

This, again, shows the importance of the inActive Set 2 & 3 “containers” in the NPS.

4PN+2x=PNn gives the intermediary (p=EVENS, like p=4, PN=120) in Set 3, between those above.

~~ ~~ ~~




Table105_Mersenne Prime Squares Master Table.pdf


Tables 146-159








































~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

BACK: BOOK VIII: Appendix III: Equations

NEXT: BOOK X: Appendix V: MPS_PN_Factors(Divisors)


Mersenne Prime Squares (Part I) the Introductory white paper.


Mersenne Prime Squares (Part II) 3 Simple Intros.


Mersenne Prime Squares (Part III) the Advanced white paper.


The MPS Project The Mersenne Prime Squares Project.



MathspeedST: TPISC Media Center

MathspeedST: eBook (free)

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Back to Part I of the BIM-Goldbach_Conjecture.


Back to Part III of the BIM-Goldbach_Conjecture.

BACK: ---> PRIMES Index on a separate White Paper

BACK: ---> Periodic Table Of PRIMES (PTOP) and the Goldbach Conjecture on a separate White Paper (REFERENCES found here.)

BACK: ---> Periodic Table Of PRIMES (PTOP) - Goldbach Conjecture ebook on a separate White Paper

BACK: ---> Simple Path BIM to PRIMES on a separate White Paper

BACK: ---> PRIMES vs NO-PRIMES on a separate White Paper

BACK: ---> TPISC_IV: Details_BIM+PTs+PRIMES on a separate White Paper

BACK: ---> PRIME GAPS on a separate White Paper

Reginald Brooks

Brooks Design

Portland, OR

KEYWORDS TAGS: BMP, BIM-MersenneSquare-PerfectNumber, Mersenne Primes, Mersenne Prime Square, Perfect Number, Perfect Square, MPS, Mp, PTOP, Periodic Table Of PRIMES, PRIMES vs NO-PRIMES, algebraic geometry, BIM, TPISC, The Pythagorean - Inverse Square Connections, Pythagorean Triangles, DNA, Zika virus, pentagon, decagon, double pentagon, composite axial DNA double-helix, Pythagorean Triples, primitive Pythagorean Triples, non-primitive Pythagorean Triples, Pythagorean Theorem, Pythagorus Theorem, The Dickson Method, BBS-ISL Matrix, Expanded Dickson Method, r-sets, s-set, t-sets, Pair-sets, geometric proofs, MathspeedST, leapfrogging LightspeedST FASTER than the speed of light, Brooks (Base) Square- Inverse Square Law (ISL), BBS-ISL Matrix grid, The Architecture Of SpaceTime (TAOST), The Conspicuous Absence Of Primes (TCAOP), A Fresh Piece Of Pi(e), AFPOP, Numbers of Inevitability, LightspeedST, Teachers, Educators and Students (TES), number theory, ubiquitous information, FASTER than the speed of light, primes, prime numbers, fractals, mathematics, Universe, cosmos, patterns in number, DSEQEC, Double-Slit Experiment-Quantum Entanglement Conjecture, CaCost, Creation and Conservation of SpaceTime.

Art Theory 101 / White Papers Index
PIN: Pattern in Number...from primes to DNA. | PIN: Butterfly Primes...let the beauty seep in. | PIN: Butterfly Prime Directive...metamorphosis. | PIN: Butterfly Prime Determinant Number Array (DNA) ~conspicuous abstinence~. | GoDNA: the Geometry of DNA (axial view) revealed. | SCoDNA: the Structure and Chemistry of DNA (axial view). | The LUFE Matrix | The LUFE Matrix Supplement | The LUFE Matrix: Infinite Dimensions | The LUFE Matrix: E=mc2 | Dark Matter=Dark Energy | The History of the Universe in Scalar Graphics | The History of the Universe_update: The Big Void | Quantum Gravity the book | The Conservation of SpaceTime | LUFE: The Layman's Unified Field Expose` | GoMAS: The Geometry of Music, Art and Structure ...linking science, art and esthetics. Part I | Brooks (Base) Square (BBS): The Architecture of Space-Time (TAOST) and The Conspicuous Absence of Primes (TCAOP) - a brief introduction to the series | more White Papers... index | netart01: RealSurReal...aClone, 2001 | netart02: Hey!Ufunk'n with my DNA? | netart03: 9-11_remembered | netart04: Naughty Physics (a.k.a. The LUFE Matrix) | netart05: Your sFace or Mine? | netart06: Butterfly Primes | netart07: Music-Color-ISL | netart08: BBS-ISL matrix | netart09: BBS-interactive (I) | netart10: Sunspots and Solar Flares | netart11: Music-Color-ISL (II-III) | Art Theory 101: PIN, DNA, LUFE Matrix, GoMAS, BBS index | home
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