"Dance Number Appendage #1:
Charmed Quark Resonance-Swimming in Einsteinian Space-Time (upper),
Padovan series (lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
29" x 16"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #2: The Arrow of Time(upper),
DNA Master Chart (lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
30" x 16"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #3: Lust for Life (upper),
DNA:Double Helix Spiral (axial view) Master Chart (lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
24" x 29"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #4: Eve in a Parallel Universe(upper),
DNA: (axial view) Master Chart Triangles(lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
32" x 16"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #5: Rehearsals(upper),
Pascal's Triangle and the Chinese Triangle(lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
28" x 14"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #6: Charmed Quark(upper),
Pascal's Triangle with Prime Number Patterns(lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
29" x 12"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #7: Go Ask Alice(upper),
The Geometric Numbers(lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
29" x 16"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #8: Alice Knows(upper),
DNA:(axial view) area analysis (lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
30" x 16"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #9: Akhnaton's Revenge of the Prime(upper),
Prime Numbers(lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
30" x 14"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #10: Broken Symmetry(upper),
Euhler's Prime Numbers(lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
24" x 14"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #11: HIV Support(upper),
Magic Squares 7(lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
26" x 12"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #12: Spin Arabesque(upper),
Magic Squares 8(lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
30" x 16"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #13: Choreography in Blue(upper),
Magic Squares 2(lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
31" x 10"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #14: Shortcut to Nirvana(upper),
Prime Numbers 1-169(lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
32" x 14"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #15: The Butterfly Catcher(upper),
Magic Squares 9(lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
30" x 16"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #16: Pas de Deux(upper),
Magic Squares 3(lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
24" x 17"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #17: Face of a Choreographer(upper),
Conics and Plutonics(lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
28" x 16"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #18: Pas de Deux Forces(upper),
Magic Squares 5 (lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
29" x 16"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #19: Choreography in Hyperspace(upper),
Magic Squares 4 (lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
23" x 15"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #20: Dance of Antiquity(upper),
Magic Squares 6 (lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
26" x 12"
1997 |
"Dance Number Appendage #21: Jungle(upper),
Fibonacci Proactive Space (lower) "
acrylic on canvas over shaped board with scratch board and aluminum
24" x 16"
1997 |