Works created with digital tools have blurred the lines between drawings, paintings, and even collages. With a stylus on a drawing tablet, it makes its own mark, no doubt, but the fundamental creative process of connecting hand, eye and mind to the realization of an expression remains in tack.
Of the various ways to reveal a continuum — an inclusive spectrum from one pole to another — perhaps none are more telling than the single-line drawing.
From the initial starting point placement, the continuous line etches out a rich and historic path with multiple variables of size, directions, color, tone, emphasis, subtlety,..., ultimately coming to rest — with its "image."
When the driving theme behind the push and pull of that single-line is "intimacy" — and its revelations and acceptance in all forms especially that of human — and, especially as depicted as the face of human — you now have revealed a continuum of just who or whom we may be — or want to be.
Collaging whole and fragments of said "images" provides for unique snapshots — design sets, cultural icons, biased creations, ... that, while often intriguing — maybe even pretty — are nevertheless interpreted "truths" derived from a source.