These three areas of interest have defined much of my creative activities over the decades. A distillation (reductionist) approach from my initial work in medical technology & research in the 1970's led to more detailed studies in physics and math. The math approach soon gained sway for the simple reason that "numbers don't lie" but we humans surely do!
Though physics was my real love, it really only makes sense — beyond the flavored interpretation of the day — when one breaks it down to the simplest relationship(s) of quantities. How much of this and that goes here and there in to making this or that. The most common denominator of the fundamental forces of nature is the Inverse Square Law (ISL). It informs everything. My pursuit to actually understand it more led to the discovery of the BBS-ISL Matrix, or BIM for short. It changed everything. Here was information that was known, ubiquitous and and present without the need for transport (as in traveling at or beyond the speed of light). It is everywhere and from any source, it is fully known throughout the Cosmos. There is no need to transport.
Well, the BIM is just fine and dandy, but is that all it can do? Well, no, it can actually do a whole lot more: like describe every possible Pythagorean Triple, every possible PRIME and in the meantime give some real inklings as to how the quantum perplexities of the Double-Slit Experiment and the Quantum Entanglement Conjecture (DSEQEC) and the actual Creation and Conservation of SpaceTime (CaCoST) might come about!
This journey of Pattern In Number (PIN) has unfolded in a number of white papers (free), ebooks (free or minor $), new media projects and close to 100 Vimeo movies over the years to try to share and inspire curious minds of all persuasions. Please jump on and enjoy the excursion!
Thank you for reading!